Blue City Roasters

Nicaragua San Juan del Rio Coco

Sonderpreis Preis €15,95 Normaler Preis

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Origin: Unión de Cooperativas Agropecuarias San Juan del Rio Coco

Location:  Madriz region

Altitude: 900-1300 m

Type of processing: Fully Washed

Coffee Grade:  SHG.EP

Certifications: Organic

Flavours: Delve into the soft flavors of this Nicaraguan Espresso, where a hint of apple intertwines gracefully with the velvety richness of cocoa and discover a subtle yet comforting nutty undertone. It's creating a tasty and light experience.

Environment: Operating across five communities in Nicaragua's San Juan del Rio Coco region, UCA SJRC plays a pivotal role in supporting farmers to cultivate profitable and environmentally responsible coffee. Comprising eight cooperatives and representing over 370 small producers, UCA SJRC is an amalgamation formed in 1993. This union aimed to empower its members by enhancing coffee quality and securing improved prices. Named after the Rio Coco, a significant river coursing through the area, both the cooperative and the region draw their identity from this vital water source, essential for the survival of agrarian communities.

About: Crafted by the Unión de Cooperativas Agropecuarias San Juan del Rio Coco (UCA SJRC), this organic coffee underscores an unwavering commitment to quality. Prioritizing excellence, farmer members meticulously deliver their wet parchment to a centralized drying spot, where Coop experts ensure optimal drying conditions. This careful oversight guarantees the avoidance of taints and defects, maintaining the pristine quality of the coffee.